
Monday, March 18, 2024

Hello (again) & #AtoZChallenge Theme Reveal

Thanks to Mystee, here I am.

I left the online world about ten years ago and I've kept in touch with her and a few others. At the time I was online, I felt I was perhaps a bit to cynical and controversial. I'm not sure what my blog will fully be about, but I've had this title since 2011 (Illusions of Chaos). So, please feel free to jump in post A to Z challenge and let you know if I should continue blogging on a regular basis and what topic(s) would keep you coming back. Or maybe I should just pop in yearly for A to Z?

I selected "Random Blogging" for my theme.

That being said, I've decided:

--letters A - J will be on the theme of Deception.

--letters K  T will be on the theme of Perception vs Reality

--letters U-Z will be on the theme of Complex Systems

Anyway, I'd love for you to stop in, and maybe even give my blog a follow (I don't have any of those). I also have a brand new Twitter (x) account HERE that I'd love to have people to interact and network with.


  1. Fantastic theme you've chosen for the A to Z challenge! Can't wait to see what you have in store for the next letters of the alphabet.

  2. Stopping in to take a look at your theme and wish you a happy March and a wonderful April. Can't wait to read more during April! ♥ So glad I was able to convince you to try out the online world one more time.

    1. Thank you for talking me into it. I might enjoy it once I can come up with a total blog theme

  3. Great theme choice for the A to Z challenge! Looking forward to the rest of your alphabet journey!
    My topic (here: ) may not have as much appeal for everyone, but I’m going to give it a try 🙂

  4. Sounds very interesting. I usually drop by blogs and read several posts at one time. I'm sure I will be back to your blog.

    1. I think I will be doing the same, trying to hit 3 or 4 blogs a few days a week during (and hopefully after) the challenge

  5. Fantastic theme reveal! I can't wait to explore your posts during the A to Z challenge in April. Wishing you all the best as you embark on this creative journey. Here’s a link to mine -

  6. Just trying to reconcile the Schlock Horror banner with the deeply philosophical theme(s) you are going to be writing about - but you have my attention for sure... I'll be back (read that in an Arnold Schwarzenegger voice!)

    1. I tend to be more of a "dark" blogger. I trend toward crime and horror topics. But, who knows? I may end up with a totally different blog direction :)

  7. Yes, it will be interesting to see what you do with these themes. Good luck with your return to blogging - the years you were off may change your views on blogging, even if you decide to only blog during A to Z. Your blog, your choice. And, thank you for visiting my A to Z Reveal post. Alana

    1. I am definitely excited and have a few of the entries written

  8. Your heading looks gory, but your themes don't! Good luck with your return! I will return

  9. Interesting approach, splitting the alphabet into sub-themes. I'll be interested to see how you handle these. I wish you good luck and many readers. I will have time during April to explore some varied blog themes and subjects, so it's going to be an interesting month. Thank you for checking in on my theme, and I hope you find some interesting tales in my A to Z posts.

    1. I plan to try to dedicate a few days each week to visiting a handful of A to Z blogs. I also am planning on picking a few to keep up with on a regular basis.

  10. Oh, wow! Great theme(s)!
    I do believe the challenge will bring you back into blogging. I'm kind of doing the same thing myself. I had stopped blogging completely for an entire year (because my site needed attention, basically) and I'm getting back now.
    The AtoZ is a wonderful community. I'm sure you'll have a blast :-)

    1. Welcome back to blogging to you as well. We've got this :)

  11. Welcome back to blogging. I will be dropping by to see how your theme unfolds. I'm all about the "randomness" of things, so this intrigues me.
    Cheers, Jenny @ PEARSON REPORT

    1. Thanks for stopping by. I am loving the idea of being back (so far, anyway)

  12. Chaos, my interest is peeked! I followed and look forward to finding out what you have to say. Good luck with the challenge. It's a grind, most definitely, but worth it.

    1. Thank you for following - it's always scary seeing that big 0 there

  13. I love that you'll be covering several "themes." They all sound interesting, and I look forward to returning to read your posts! Congrats on jumping back in after so long! Maybe now is the right stage of your life to make it a regular thing.

    1. I am sure I will have some idea by the time this is over, but for now, I am looking forward to the opportunity to get back on it

  14. Your theme sounds interesting and I love the way you've divided it up into three sections. I must admit that I've never thought to do that.

    1. I struggled with wondering if I could cover all 2 days on one theme. So, I divided it and took the easy way out :)

  15. I've been blogging (personally) since 2006 but didn't start my author blog until 2012. I used to blog daily but fell out of that habit a long time ago. I've had other personal blogs over the years, eventually merged all but one into the current one. Both used to be on Blogger but are now on WordPress. Another challenge. LOL! I just added your link to my blog reader and plan to follow along as time allows.

    1. I'm just a blogger and came back to only one blog (this one), cleared all the old content and we'll see what I can do. But I am definitely telling myself only ONE blog this time around :)

  16. Interesting idea to do your theme in thirds. I was a weekly blogger, but lately it's been twice monthly, which seems fine. I also focus most of my visiting/commenting to the annual A to Z Challenge. Good luck and see you in April.

    1. I am not sure what I will do when the challenge ends. I've always heard two times a week is kind of the "go to" but I am thrilled to hear that less works as well

  17. Interesting way of dividing up thge weeks of the challenge! I'll be interested to see how it works.

  18. Oh, this will be fun. I am really looking forward to it.
    Tim Brannan | The Other Side A to Z of Dungeons & Dragons

  19. Best of luck...I'm trying to visit new blogs and not copy and paste the same post to everyone I visits site... I see that a lot. But I wish you luck in the A-Z Challenge.

    1. It's really difficult not to with so many and wanting to be sure to stop in, leave a comment, and show support

  20. Welcome back to the blogosphere! Good luck with the challenge.

  21. welcome back to blogging and good luck with the challenge. thanks for visiting me at

  22. Welcome back! Sounds like some fun themes!

    ~Jayden R. Vincente
    Stopping by from A to Z
    Erotic Fiction Author
